Getting an award from a befriended blogger
feels like getting a very nice compliment to me.
An acknowledgement to the time, work and effort I put into this blog.
And every time I get one, my heart makes a little jump,
and I get quivers down my spine!!
Knowing that people actually enjoy what I try to bring here,
is what makes me want to go on and on.
And now, I want to pass it on to other blogs.
Blogs I admire, made by people I look up to.
I got the "You Rock" award from Christine,
but I kept the cute pussycat to myself much too long.
It's time to give her a new home now
so I'm giving her to:
- Quilly
- Secret Agent Mama
- Carletta
- Dragonstar
- and Leora,
who have been faithful visitors to this blog for quite some time now.
I have a warm heart for each and every one of them.
But most of all, I am a huge fan of their work.Only last week, I received this one.
Another token of friendship and appreciation,
given to me by Eve.
Eve, as well as Christine are very sweet friends
I met in my early blogging days on Nablopomo.
It is with great pleasure that I'm passing this one on to
- Mary the Teach, at work of the poet,
because of all that work she puts into the Ruby Tuesday photo meme.
And she visits me each and every time I participate!
- Lisa, at Lisa's Chaos, because of her brilliant photography.
- Tiff, at Three Ring Circus, because I admire her as a mother.
- Evelyn, from the Red Bell Farm,
because we share the same love for
this gorgeous piece of France we call Provence.
- and finally, Maggie, from Maggiesmind,
because she quit smoking more than 58 weeks ago.
But also because I love her cooking and her photography.
You know, this was harder than I thought.
I hope nobody feels left out,
because there are so many people out there that I love to visit!
March 26
1 hour ago