Shhhhhhh ....!
Listen ....
I think I just heard an enourmous sigh!
Nablopomo 2007 is over, and we've made it!
Not quite yet, I still have to post this, but still!
It was fun doing, I am soooo glad I joined!
I really had no idea where this was going to take me ,
felt like Chistopher Colombus, when it all started!
Or Napoleon, he was from Belgium? I think?
Hahahaha, no he wasn't Belgium did not even exist!
I'm sure he had something to do with it, though?!
Yes well, .... maybe his son then??? ( Just kidding!)
I can see there are some people leaving over there?
Oh nononono, don't worry,
I don't intend to bore any you with the history of my country!
Anyway, like I said, I had a great time,
and I will be counting the days till next November!
I was never in it for the prizes, yet I feel I have already collected mine.
Practising my writing and evolving
from a very self- consious to a reasonably confident little me
in only one month!
Getting a comment like this one : "Keep writing, you seem to have grown some in your english writing, since Nov first. :) "
was also very, very precious to me!
My most beautiful prize is this brandnew blog I have created,
but especially having met some friends who visit it!
I am still working on the blogroll,
so if you're not in it yet, don't worry, I am working on it!
It would not last a week if I had nobody visiting it,
so I am very thankful for that too!
So I will keep in touch with you,
and I hope you'll visit me every once and again on this blog!
I'll try to make it worth your while!
I'll be back with some more pictures on Sunday
for my Weekly Winners entry of the week!
And if you'll excuse me now, I really have to talk to my a cat a little now!
Learn to See, Learn to Draw
3 hours ago