These pictures were all taken on the roof of the hotel.
There was a bar there, and I just loved to go up there and take pictures.I tried to imagine what it would e like to live there.
This is my favourite picture, the one with the blue walls.
I love how it's almost the same colour blue as the sea.
I loved to stand there just looking at the city,
watching it awaken in the morning,
or looking at the sunset in the evening ...
I took loads of pictures there, and I think they make neat Rubies ...
For more Ruby Tuesday pictures,
visit Mary the teach at workofthepoet.
Join us if you want to, it's fun!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Ruby Tuesday, Lissabon"s Rooftops
Posted by Jientje at 9:32 AM |
Labels: Lissabon, Ruby Tuesday
Monday, September 29, 2008
Monday Macro , First Attempt
I found this at Lisa's Chaos, she will be hosting
this new photo challenge every Monday from now on.
I think I'm among the first participants.
I have great admiration for her photography, and I love macro shots.
This gives me an opportunity to practise and get better at it.
If you are interested in joining this challenge,
please go over at Lisa's and say so in the comments.
She will then add your link.So here are my first shots, first signs of fall ... (and hungry snails)
Posted by Jientje at 1:58 PM |
Labels: fall, nature, photo challenge
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Weekly Winners, the Park of the Nations, Lissabon
They call it Park of the Nations now.Before 1998 this site was an abandoned industrial terrain.
The World Expo 1998 changed all that.
That's when gas tanks became monuments ...New office buildings,
company buildings,
appartement blocks ...
It has now become the most expensive real estate area of Lissabon.
New monuments and bridges ....
This is the tower of the Vasco da Gama Bridge.
Families get together here for a meal or some shopping ...Cute huh?
There are gardens that allow you to walk in the shade on hot days ...
Or you can even buy Belgian Ice Cream.Visit the other players at Sarcastic Mom's , or join us ... it's fun!
Posted by Jientje at 8:22 AM |
Labels: architecture, Lissabon, pictures, weekly winners
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Photo Hunt, " View"
Theme for this week's Photo Hunt is ... "View".This is a breathtaking view at Lissabon's 1998 World Expo site,
called Park of the Nations. The white pyramid shapes at the back
are part of the Vasco da Gama Bridge, and on the left you can see the Aerial Tramway.
If you look at it from the pier on the right, you would see the Portugal Paviljon ...
For more Photohunt pictures and views from all over the globe,
visit the other players here.
Posted by Jientje at 8:59 AM |
Labels: architecture, Lissabon, photohunt, pictures
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Thursday Challenge, Large
I found a new photo challenge through Leora.
It's called Thursday Challenge, and the theme for this week is Large.
Big things, tall things, buildings, air planes .... whatever ...At the left side of this picture, you can see the large Christo Rei monument
This picture was taken as we drove up there to visit the monument.And here we are, right in front of it.
You can get even closer by taking the elevator which brings you right under his feet, look ...
The zoom lens covers the rest of the distance.Visit the other players here
Posted by Jientje at 10:16 AM |
Labels: Lissabon, photo challenge, pictures, Thursday Challenge
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Wordless Wednesday, Farmer's Market
For more Wordless Wednesday please visit the other players here.
Posted by Jientje at 10:02 AM |
Labels: Lissabon, pictures, Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Ruby Tuesday
meets ....
This is an award I received recently from my dear blog pal Lceel.
He's a man I have been secretly admiring for a long time now.
But I thought I was no match for somebody like him, he is such a good writer.
Until one day he told me he kept loosing my link.
It was only then I realized he really liked reading my blog too!
That comment made my day, I'll tell you!
Some time ago, he gave me this official award, coming from him,
to me that's a ticket to heaven, and I mean that!
There's a lot of controversy about whether or not to give awards.
He explains how he feels about that in this post.
Although I agree with him to a certain point,
I do have my own opinion on this one too.
You see, I like getting awards.
Then why would I not make somebody happy too?
It's a virtual hug, a token of appreciation, and a wonderful way
to put some people in the spotlights every once and a while.
Now, I will never listen to " only five" or "seven" or worse "just one".
I never kept that part of the bargain in the past too,
so I'll pass them on to as many times I choose to, I'm a big girl you know?
Right, don't forget to visit Lou. He deserves it.
He's a flirt to the ladies, he always answers your comments,
so it's fun to tease him a little and go back to see what his answer is to you!
He's an excellent writer, a poet and a painter as well.
He's so gifted!
Okay, ... right! Yeah yeah, I love the guy, does it show?
Here we go, on to the awards:
I'll pass this award to:
Mary the teach: she hosts Ruby Tuesday and I would not miss it for the world!
She always comes back to visit everyone, and I love her comments!
Next up is:
Jacki at moving at the speed of light.
She likes to cook, to blog, she likes shoes
and she's a beautiful woman,
Her husband who has European roots has this wonderful photography blog.
So I guess that's a two in one for the Dyrholms!
Next is for an excellent photographer, I'm dying to get to know better as well,
she recently took the plunge to her own domain, here she is,
ladies and gentleman, Jeanette Verster, let's give her some applause please!
Okay, one more, another dear friend, Leora:
Her blog is a potpourri of ideas about Highland Park;
She likes books, she does Jewish topics. She's a very artistic lady
and she blogs about good health, parsha, web design, kids, food, gardening and …
She has always something interesting for you to read!
There, there is always one more, but there is always another award too,
and this post should not become too long to keep it a pleasant read.
Pick one, visit her or him, and tell them I sent you, okay?
Yeah right, sorry Lou, I nicked that from you, okay?
On to the Rubies, because that's what most of you came here for!
Oops, I think I already "threw them in"?
Okay okay, one more, I'm in a real generous mood today ...
One more thing, you can BIG them ALL!!!
I AM generous, am I not?
Oh and um .... all pictures were taken on my recent trip to Lissabon.
I had so much fun there!
Don't forget to visit the other Ruby Tuesday players at Mary's Work of the Poet!
Posted by Jientje at 7:35 AM |
Labels: award, blogging, Lissabon, Ruby Tuesday
Monday, September 22, 2008
How was Lissabon,
How was Portugal?
How was Lissabon?
What was it like?
Well ... it was unlike any other city I have ever seen.
I'll show you, or you might never believe me ...
The Portuguese people are unspoiled, hardworking and friendly.With a never ending love for the good things in life.
From the land ...
or from the sea ...Meeting other people comes first,
and they do have a way of entertaining people.
( Meet my new friends, they're gems, I just got to tell you that!)
The boys were not bad either ...All of them making sure the girls can look their best.
Incredible beauty in nature. In the sea ...or on land.
Art is everywhere ...
even in the little things of life ... like breakfast!It was a breathtaking experience.
I'll tell you more about it the next days to come ...