This week's host for Fun Monday
is Mommy Wizdom
and she has the following assignment for us:
If you were ruler for a day/week/month/year (your choice on the time) you would...
ex...make coffee free to all citizens. Or you'd abolish the penny. You may also specify if you're ruler of the world or just your country. Have fun with it; be creative.
If you like to dress up, you may also choose to take pictures of yourself in your "ruler" outfit(s) and post them up with your entry.
Okay, as some of you might know, I live in Belgium.
Life in Belgium is not so bad ... except for the weather.
If there is one thing I would like to rule or change here,
it would be the weather.
I know it's fiction, but it works for me.
I 'd let the rain fall at night ...
Blow away the clouds ...
And let the sun shine during the day.
He or she who's in charge of the weather buttons
in my country screws up big time.
I mean really?
Hail and snow at Easter?
Rain and more rain?
Storm and clouds?
Who wants this?
Everything looks nicer when the sun shines.
We had four days of really sunny weather last week.
Four days in a row!!!
It's raining again today,
no wonder it makes a girl dream ...
Update: This post was written this morning,
while the rain was pouring down, buckets full!
It's 1.30 PM now, and the sun is shining again!
Now ain't that a miracle?
Hmmm, maybe I did rule the weather today?
I should write about Belgian weather more often!
If you want to find out what others would like to rule,
go over at Mommy Wizdom's and find out!
Life in Belgium is not so bad ... except for the weather.
If there is one thing I would like to rule or change here,
it would be the weather.
I know it's fiction, but it works for me.
He or she who's in charge of the weather buttons
in my country screws up big time.
I mean really?
Hail and snow at Easter?
Storm and clouds?
We had four days of really sunny weather last week.
Four days in a row!!!
It's raining again today,
no wonder it makes a girl dream ...
Update: This post was written this morning,
while the rain was pouring down, buckets full!
It's 1.30 PM now, and the sun is shining again!
Now ain't that a miracle?
Hmmm, maybe I did rule the weather today?
I should write about Belgian weather more often!
If you want to find out what others would like to rule,
go over at Mommy Wizdom's and find out!