Oh, I'm having the time of my life here doing 365, meeting new people
and old friends from Nablopomo visiting my blog, and commenting on my posts!
You know, this is what keeps me going, and this is what encourages me the most
... the comments!
Now I would like to comment on .... some of the comments I got recently!
I had so much fun reading them I want to share it with all of you!
Remember the post with the picture of the bread in the oven?
I am aware of the fact, and yeah okay, I'll admit to it.
I was fishing for compliments when I posted this one,
so thanks to all of you sweet people telling me that
I am indeed a domestic godess,
... humbly bowing the head and all that, great!!!
Hmmmm, but the dust bunnies in my house are growing bigger too,
so now I am getting second thoughts on that first part of the title,
the domestic part ... !
Anyway, I loved it! Thanks!
And then Alida's comment brought back a very distant memory to me.
The I love Lucy shows, yes I remember those!
I got curious, went looking on You Tube, and I have found just the right one!
So I have posted it here, now you can all enjoy it, it is hilarious!
The last comment was certainly the best one,
.... asking me if I had a BUN IN THE OVEN? Hehehehe, LOL!
Let me tell you ... you know at my age that would not be such a great idea!
I have celebrated my fiftieth birthday last October!
But perhaps you wanted to tell me I still look good huh?
Ewwww, thank you so much for that compliment, hehehehe!!!
A Cold Cold Friday
1 day ago