Having an off day on your day off , disgusting isn't it?
There are a million things I planned to do.
I was really looking forward to today.
Clean a little.
Maybe step outside, take a walk or something.
Go to the bank.
Maybe do some shopping.
Write a blogpost or two.
At the end of the day I ended up with a list of things I didn't do. Duh!
Didn't make up the bed, didn't iron those shirts ...
So I just started to write this post ...
Trying to count my blessings for today...
Well, I did some vacuuming. Ok, that counts as cleaning, doesn't it?
I struggled all morning to do the Fun Monday assignment.
Finally managed to get it up, and then wrote a post for my other blog.
Okay, that's two right?
I am writing this one now, so that would be number three for today, OK.
You know what, I'm feeling better all the time, writing this ...
So I did take a bath this afternoon ... lazy, lazy...
So I did take a nap?
So what, it was my day off wasn't it?
I watched some television. Lazy, lazy ...
Didn't get out, and didn't get to go to the bank.
So what?
I cooked dinner?
Maybe I could manage to put those dishes in the dishwasher now?
Think I can do that. In fact, I'll go do it right away ...
I'm back!
The cat has puked.
On the plaid on the couch! Yuck!
Can't leave it like that either.
I bet she did that just to make me feel better huh?
Okay, okay ... Sigh!
Back again! The plaid is clean, I even vacuumed it to get rid of the hair!
Maybe I'll give the floor a quick rinse with that soapy water?
And iron those two shirts while I'm at it?
*Two hours later*
There! I'm back again!
Did the shirts, the living room AND the kitchen floors, and cleaned the bath on my way out.
Cleared up the kitchen, programmed the dishwasher ...
Warmed some soup for my husband.
As it turns out, I'm very happy with my day after all!
Ahhhh, those little joys in the life of a housewife!
( This post was written yesterday evening, between seven and nine PM.)
March 5
17 hours ago