Antwerp city's shopping street, the Meir.
The streets were almost empty, as it was past closing time.
The people on the streets were shop assistants that had finished their day's work, and were hurrying back home again. It's a very special kind of atmosphere.
I was not in a hurry, I had my camera with me and I wanted to make some interesting pictures.
Being part of Weekly Winners stimulates me to try to make a discovery tour each week.
This week I discovered a new shopping mall in Antwerp.
It used to be the pride and joy for Antwerp as the town festivity hall.
When my husband was a young man, it used to be the place to be on a saturday night.
Grand soirees were being held there, women in evening dresses and men in smart costumes.
It was partially distroyed by a fire, and it has been closed for several years.
They have restored and rebuilt it for a great number of years, turning it into a shopping mall!
I was very curious to find out what they had made of it.
They did a great job, they kept the old grandeur, and added some modern touches to it.
It's beautiful, I hope people will respect it ....I love the light effects they have added. They change colours all the time ...
This is my contribution for this week .
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March 5
17 hours ago