Thirsday Thirteen again, and I have chosen thirteen comments
that made me smile this past week!
Comments ALWAYS make me smile, yes you're so right about that one.
Today I have picked some of the wittiest ones, for everyone to enjoy,
and added my own comments on the comments ...
Just to encourage all those witty commenters to keep up the good work!1. Great picture of such weathered wood - it's like someone's weathered face,
telling a lifetime of stories!2. Every time you mention Provence, I start planning our vacation!
3. Some of those pictures of the trees look straight out of Dr. Suess's The Lorax! love it. And what a wonderful man who would turn around and let you shoot some pictures.
4. So that is what mistletoe looks like. Those trees look like they have sprouted dandelion puffballs. Thank you for the pictures. They are wonderful.
5. I have an award for you jientje
6. Those trees look like something from a Dr. Seuss book...little puffs on all the branches. Neat pics!
7. -I just had this dish for the first time over at Hans' sister's house. I really find endive too bitter most of the time, but this indeed, is a delicious way to eat it and definitely a "Belgian" dish!
Hans plans to make Flemish stew for my parents when we go to Pittsburgh. Sounds good to me!
8. Now we know--I've always speculated that Jientje may just be your name. Agree with you that blogging is a heavenly pastime.Thanks! I enjoy blogging as well as cooking, I think they're both heaven!
The ending photo of your endive dish would tempt even the laziest person to get in the kitchen.
9. oh my gosh, that is just gorgeous! I wish you lived closer!I wish I LIVED CLOSER TO YOU!!!!
Sandy | Homepage | 02.25.08 - 7:13 pm
10. If by chance you ever open a Bed & Breakfast in your slice of Belgium, please send an invite. I would love to sam1ple your cuisine. I was stationed in GE for a couple of years, and loved the food. Thanks for sharing... NLM
11.I like the picture too. What's the table with the writing on it? Lovely poem....
12.The words will find their way back. Mine take regular coffee breaks and long vacations....It happens!My words seem to be on a cruise to the Caribbean!
13. How do the buds know when to...uh...bud? Nice picture!
