... on my Wordless Wednesday picture!
After all, you all had a few questions, now did you ?
1. His name is Hippolyte.
2. Yes, we always give them names.
3. Yes, he's cute.
4. I don't think I'm ever going to be able to say thirteen things on anything.
5. Let alone this little fellow.
6. No, he did not puke.
7. Nor did he vomit.
8. He was keeping us company.
9. He was waiting for his victims,
10. under a warm, bright spotlight.
11. They were all attracted by the light.
12. hehehe ... I'm getting there ... he was very picky on his food.
He really took his time to choose his menu!
13. All he had to do was open his mouth and catch them!
Phew!!! Thirsday Thirteen huh?
But don't ask me what he caught, because I would not know that!
And, no ... it does not look yummy...
Not to me anyway!
I am not a lizard, remember?