For this week's Thirsday Thirteen I have picked thirteen posts
that never got published up until now.
One way or another, they all got stuck in my keyboard ...
1. The middle name meme Korie tagged me with.
I did not have a clue what a meme or getting tagged meant at all.
It was at the Nablopomo kick-off, early November.
Yeah I know!
It would help me if one day I would not know what to write Korie said!
Yeah, right!
I'm happy to inform you, I AM STILL working on it ...
in fact, ... it's almost finished!!!
2. The peppernut hick-up follow-up story.
The making of, the recipe and the pictures!
Well anyway, by now peppernuts are so out of season,
it's all about easter eggs now isn't it?
3. A Wordless Wednesday on cobwebs.
Cobwebs are out of season too!
4. A wordless Wednesday titled "lost".
Well... it still is!
5. Manneken Piss, the pride and shame of Belgium.
6. A TT on things you would not want to know.
Let me tell you, you wouldn't, .... believe me!
7. A Trinny and Susannah story ... shopping with my hubby!
It's a hilarious story, still to be written one day ... I hope!
8. A post on how addicted to blogging I am.
Well let's forget about that one shall we?
7. Manneken Piss II.
I mean yes, well, a statue of a peeing toddler?
I probably would have to do two posts, I dont know?
What do you think?
8. On how to cheat a little bit on a Thirsday Thirteen.
Thirteen is a lot you know!
9. On how to cheat on a Frigde Friday.
Well you all know how we Europeans feel about that one, now do you?
10. A TT on places I've visited.
Still working on that one too.
11. My favourite spot in this appartment.
12. Why I love spring so much.
13. Fridge Friday, remember?
Okay okay ... Fridge Friday?
Okay, tomorrow ...
Tomorrow I'll give you the Full Monty!
Yeah ....
Don't forget to visit the other players as well!
A Cold Cold Friday
9 hours ago