Many of you already know by now, that I'm very fond of my Canon S5IS,
and it's great Super Macro function.
I keep this camera within reach. At all times.
Even when I'm in my kitchen doing the dishes...You can click on them to make them bigger.
Find more interesting macro shots at Lisa's Chaos.
But before you go, take a look at my photo of the day 2009.
The idea is to post a picture a day, to document your life in 2009.
This morning I stepped outside on my patio to take a couple of pictures in the snow.
If you want to do that and you're living in Belgium, you have to be real quick.
Snow does not last long in our country.
I woke up to a wonderful winter wonderland full of snow this morning, but by the time there was enough light to shoot pictures without having to use the flash it was already starting to thaw!
So here it is, my picture of the day...
A Cold Cold Friday
1 day ago