This week's fun Monday is being hosted by Kitten
Our assignment for this week is…
Tell me about the Super Hero in your life.
Not from TV, but anyone that has been or is in your life
that you have really looked up to
or has made a impact on your life.
It can be one or many.
You can share pictures if you like. Just have fun with it.
I have this feeling that I'm not going to be the only one
stating the hero in my life is my sweet husband, but to me he is!
The moment I saw him for the first time
I had this strange feeling of recognition.
Although I had never met him before,
I still had the feeling that I knew who he was,
a feeling of belonging too.
We've gone through hard times before we finally could be together,
we had to fight for each other in every possible way.
And believe me, they did not grant it easy to us ....
Our life together has not always been a bed of roses either,
we've had to overcome some pretty nasty setbacks together.
But everything we went through, we went through it together.
And we came out stronger. Together.
He always stood up for me, protected me, loved me.
Even after so many years, he can still surprise me.
He's not the kind of man that comes home
with a huge bouquet of flowers every week, he never did that.
But instead, he'll surprise me with just the right thing I need,
and that can be anything, a new battery for my camera,
or new bookshelves for my computer corner, anything ...
I love him.
He is my hero!
Care to meet other people's hero?
Check them out here ...
3 hours ago